The electronic water descaler is more effective device than powerful magnets placed around the incoming mains water pipe. This device operates by wrapping coil of wire around the incoming water mains to pass a magnetic field through the water. The theory is that it causes the calcium in the water to stay in solution and so inhibit it from adhering to pipes, taps, baths and kettles.
Reading many sources about the way it works I decided to try and make one. A few days after installing it I noticed a difference in the behaviour of the deposit of lime scale in the kettle and around the sink, it was much easier to remove the deposit, also the scale deposit was reduced to about half the amount.
Since it's unknown the true benefits of lime to our health and we also don't know the effect of the residual magnetic in the lime, it is recommended to use the descaler for washing water only.
The coil on the water pipe is made of 5 meter long insulated wire of 24 to 20 gage. The wire is turned around the copper or plastic water pipe (it can not be steel pipe) in a single layer. On a pipe of 20mm diameter it will form 55 turns. Since the wire is 5 meter long the number of turns will be different for different pipe diameter.
Power supply to the Arduino is 7V up to 10V.
10 ohm resistor is limiting the coil current to max 400mA.
The 8 pins PDIP buffers is a mosfet driver. IC's that can be used are: TC4423,TC4424,TC4426,TC4427,MC33152,MC34152. These are very similar and pins are identical.
For more details and options see my website: