Today We are going to learn how to interface SPI display with Raspberry Pi. The SPI display comes in different sizes and speeds. Here is the list of all different type of RPi display with SPI interface from waveshare.
- Make an SD card with Rasbian OS or any other OS of your wish.
- Insert the SD card to your Raspberry Pi.
- Connect an HDMI monitor, USB keyboard and mouse.
- Connect your Display with Raspberry Pi.
- Connect a 2.5 amps 5v adapter and boot up the Pi.
- Open the terminal window and type, to download the driver files.
git clone
- Then type, to go inside the downloaded folder
cd LCD-show
- As I am using 3.2-inch display without high-speed SPI and with Rasbian OS I am using this comment to install the driver sudo./LCD32-show. below is a table of different installation comments for different LCDs and OS.
sudo ./LCD32-show
- Now your Pi will automatically get rebooted and your desktop will be displayed in the LCD screen instead of your HDMI monitor.
For 2.8inch RPi LCD (A)
sudo ./LCD28-show
- or (for Raspbian-Stretch-Lite) sudo./LCD28-show lite
For 3.2inch RPi LCD (B)
sudo ./LCD32-show
- or (for Raspbian-Stretch-Lite) sudo./LCD32-show lite
For 3.5inch RPi LCD (A)
sudo ./LCD35-show
- or (for Raspbian-Stretch-Lite) sudo./LCD35-show lite
For 3.5inch RPi LCD (B) old version
sudo ./LCD35B-show
- or (for Raspbian-Stretch-Lite) sudo./LCD35B-show lite
For 3.5inch RPi LCD (B) V2 version
sudo ./LCD35B-show-V2
- or (for Raspbian-Stretch-Lite) sudo./LCD35B-show-V2 lite
For 3.5inch RPi LCD (C)
sudo ./LCD35C-show
- or (for Raspbian-Stretch-Lite) sudo./LCD35C-show lite
For 4inch RPi LCD (A)
sudo ./LCD4-show
- or (for Raspbian-Stretch-Lite) sudo./LCD4-show lite
Read the below hackster article.
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