Nathaniel Craan

Beaglebone - Connect 4

This project involves using an 8x8 led matrix with Beaglebone to play Connect 4.

IntermediateFull instructions provided296
Beaglebone - Connect 4

Things used in this project

Hardware components

BeagleBone Black BeagleBone Black
Rotary Encoder with Push-Button
Rotary Encoder with Push-Button
PTS 645 Series Switch
C&K Switches PTS 645 Series Switch
5 mm LED: Red
5 mm LED: Red
5 mm LED: Green
5 mm LED: Green
Analog Accelerometer: ADXL335
Adafruit Analog Accelerometer: ADXL335
8x8 Bi-Color LED Matrix
Adafruit Bicolor LED Square Pixel Matrix with I2C Backpack


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Connect 4 - Git Repo

Here is the git repo that contains the Connect 4 code as well as the necessary set up and installation files.


Nathaniel Craan
1 project • 0 followers
