Water preservation is always a huge problem faced by Malaysian Citizen. So, in order to save water usage our team decided to propose a rainwater collecting system to automatically collect rainwater for daily usage such as wiping floor and washing cars. The system was controlled by Arduino Maker Uno and GUI built from Microsoft Office Visual Studio 2019.
The rain sensor in the water collector will detect if there is rainwater being collected. The valve will open to let the water flow down to the tank. If the water in the tank is full it will trigger the float water level sensor and close the valve even the rain sensor is receiving signal. The second part of the system is controlling the water pumping out from the tank for usage. The LDR sensor will detect whether it's day or night time by light intensity received. The pump will always be on when it's day time and will be closed during night time. The potentiometer act as a switch that can turn the pump on even during night time when the pump was off. The valve and pump and also be controlled using the GUI created.