Whilst I've received much assistance from this community I thought it's time I give back and feedback on my working project (thanks all who helped along the way).
Essentially I have a TB Sense connected up via BLE to a RPi3. I did some changing to the code on the TB Sense to make it continuously advertise and then have a Python script on the Pi to collect data once every 10 minutes.
This data is fed to Thingspeak (considering alternative options here) and graphed for viewing. I'm still in the phase of looking at some daily / weekly averages and seeing what changes it would make to general lifestyle. I'm collecting data from 6 environmental sensors (sound, temp., humidity, pressure, TVOC and eCO2).
Board holderOverall 3D printed enclosure (enough to let some air in for measurement)
I've also got a cool 3D printed enclosure made which houses the TB Sense in a nice looking (and acceptable by the wife) designed box whilst on the table top. The Pi is sitting next to my router collecting the data.
DataSo far I've collected a couple of days of data as shown below. It all seems to be working and is ready for a powercut and suitable reboot / reconnect if that happens (common here in South Africa).
Happy to answer any questions on this, and share details. It is by no means a complex project however did keep me busy for a few weekends. There are still some areas I'd like to improve and then work from there (probably on the efficiency of the Python code).
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