RGB LED is the abbreviation of ‘’Red Green Blue Light Emitting Diode’’. RGB LED is the most fantastic type of LED that can create millions of different shades of light colors using red, green, and blue colors.
RGB LED looks just like a regular LED or we can say that an RGB LED has three LEDs (red, green, and blue colored LED) inside a single packaged LED with four legs. We can generate any color by adjusting the brightness of each of the three LEDs of the RGB LED.
If you want to produce red color, you will set the red LED at the highest intensity along with the green and blue LED with minimal (zero) intensity. Similarly, if you need to generate white color, you would set all three LEDs with the highest intensity.
In this article, I will explain to you how an RGB LED can be operated using the Arduino Uno using two very basic examples for the same circuit connection. At the end of this article, you will be able to play with multiple colors generated by the RGB LED.
For more detail please visit:
Check out the result of the project, it will help you to understand the working of the RGB LED in real-time.
Hope you understand the basics of RGB LED.
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