A Human-Like Triple-Layer Sense of Touch Lets This Trash-Sorting Robot Feel Its Way to Success

Using three different touch-based senses, this robot can quickly determine the type of trash it's grasping in its hand.

Researchers from Tsinghua University are aiming to boost recycling rates by building a trash-sorting robot with a human-like sense of touch — allowing it to feel its way through mixed waste.

"We propose utilizing spatiotemporal tactile sensing during hand grasping to extend the robotic function and ability to simultaneously perceive multi-attributes of the grasped object," corresponding author Rong Zhu explains of the team's work, "including thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, surface roughness, contact pressure, and temperature."

A more human-like sense of touch gives this robot the ability to feel its way through sorting recyclables. (📹: Mao et al)

The sensor developed by the team is based around a three-layer design, in which an upper layer can feel the texture of a surface, the lower layer tracks pressure, and the middle layer attempts to mimic the human ability to determine changes in temperature. Coupled with a cascade classification algorithm, which works through possible classifications in order from easiest to hardest in order to boost efficiency, that's enough to separate a range of materials.

To test the sensor, the team had the robot sort out ten different object types into four categories: recyclable waste, made up of paper, a plastic bag, a plastic bottle, a drink carton, and cloth; kitchen waste, made up of bread and an orange peel; hazardous waste, in the form of expired drugs; and other waste, comprised of a napkin and a sponge. The resulting trash-sorting robot design was able to deliver a classification accuracy of 98.85 percent, the team says — which could mean a big boost not only to recycling capabilities but to robot sensing in general.

The sensor uses three layers, detecting texture, pressure, and changes in temperature. (📷: Mao et al)

"In addition," Zhu says of the team's plans for future extensions to the project, "by combining this sensor with brain-computer interface technology, tactile information collected by the sensor could be converted into neural signals acceptable to the human brain, re-empowering tactile perception capabilities for people with hand disabilities."

The team's work has been published in the journal Applied Physics Reviews under closed-access terms.


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