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A Portable Teleprompter for Vloggers

Handheld mini teleprompter lets you read and look into the camera on the move.

Jeremy Cook
2 years ago

If you've ever tried to film yourself talking into a camera, you normally have a dilemma: look slightly off screen and read a script, or gaze directly at the camera and repeat memorized lines. If you're quick on your feet and comfortable on camera, impromptu speeches may not be a problem. For the rest of us, including Modern Hobbyist (MH), this can be very hard.

Of course one could use a teleprompter, which superimposes to-be-read text or talking points in front of the camera lens. MH took this concept and ran with it, creating a vlogging teleprompter rig that's battery powered and can be held at arm's length for filming. It also features a trio of buttons for control while filming, and a power button to keep it from draining the batteries when not needed.

The project explanation is seen in the video below, and involves creating a 3D-printed grip/holder for a camera and a Raspberry Pi, plus a vertically oriented 3.5" touchscreen. The Pi outputs saved script/talking points – mirrored and upside down – to the touchscreen.

This output is projected onto a section of beam-splitter glass, which mirrors and flips the image, displaying properly-oriented text directly in front of the camera lens. Control buttons – routed through a Pro Micro board acting an an HID – allow the user to speed up, pause, and slow down the script for quick adjustments during filming.

It's quite a clean build, and something that could come in handy. MH's write-up has more details if you want to create one yourself and take your vlogging game to the next level!

Jeremy Cook
Engineer, maker of random contraptions, love learning about tech. Write for various publications, including Hackster!
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