An Olimex ESP32-Based Board with PoE

We’ve seen a rash of boards supporting Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) recently. First was the Raspberry Pi 3, Model B+, which shipped with PoE…

Alasdair Allan
7 years ago

We’ve seen a rash of boards supporting Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) recently. First was the Raspberry Pi 3, Model B+, which shipped with PoE support and an optional PoE HAT, but more recently boards like the Banana Pi BPI-P2 Zero have also started to pop up.

It looks like Olimex are preparing to join in, with an announcement towards the end of last month of their own ESP32-based PoE board.

The small 73×28 mm board is built around an ESP32-WROOM-32 module, and like all Olimex boards, supports one of their UEXT connectors.

USB to serial is provided by a WCH CH340, while PoE support over the on-board 100Mb Ethernet jack is enabled by a Silicon Labs Si3402. The board also has two GPIO headers flanking the UEXT header, and a LiPo battery connector next to the RJ45 connector.

While no price information for the new board is available we should know soon, as Olimex says that they will be “…available for sale end of August.”

Alasdair Allan
Scientist, author, hacker, maker, and journalist. Building, breaking, and writing. For hire. You can reach me at 📫
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