Analyze Your CPUs with This FPGA-Based Motherboard-Emulating Test Board

It’s often necessary to test the CPUs you’re using, especially for those of you who often work with retro computers. If something isn’t…

Cameron Coward
6 years ago

It’s often necessary to test the CPUs you’re using, especially for those of you who often work with retro computers. If something isn’t performing correctly, it can easily take hours to track down which component is the problem. While IC testers can help you determine the functionality of many components, CPUs can be trickier to test. That’s where the Universal Chip Analyzer (UCA) comes in handy.

The UCA is built on an FPGA that actually emulates a motherboard that’s compatible with that CPU you’re testing. Various shields can be mounted onto that to test and analyze a huge range of CPUs. It can be used as a standalone field tester, with LEDs indicating whether the chip is functioning. Or, it can be connected to your computer with a USB cable to provide a more in-depth analysis.

As it stands, only one shield has been finished: the iAPX86. That can test Intel x86 CPUs like the 8086 and 8088. But, more shields are planned for the future to test CPUs with other architectures, and even other components like RAM. Pricing hasn’t been set yet, but the UCA is meant to be affordable. If that sounds like it’s up your alley, keep an eye on the UCA page for updates on price and availability.

Cameron Coward
Writer for Hackster News. Proud husband and dog dad. Maker and serial hobbyist. Check out my YouTube channel: Serial Hobbyism
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