Arturo182's 16-Bit Color OLED PMOD Board Is Certified Open Source Hardware — and Available Now
Designed to add a tiny yet bright color display to PMOD-compatible boards, arturo182's creation is fully certified by OSHWA.
Pseudonymous developer "arturo182" has published a compact 16-bit color OLED board design, made for use with field-programmable gate array (FPGA) and microcontroller development boards boasting the PMOD connector — and it's certified Open Source Hardware.
"I made this board because I myself needed a small color display with a PMOD connector," Arturo explains of his inspiration for the project, "and couldn't find any cheap ones. [It's the] perfect solution if you need a small display with vivid, high-contrast 16-bit color.
"[The] PMOD connector can be used with FPGA and MCU dev boards. The display itself is a 0.95" color OLED, the resolution is 96x64 RGB pixels. The display is driven by the SSD1331 IC, you can control it with a 4-wire write-only SPI. The board only supports 3.3V logic."
Arturo has gone to the effort of having the board design, which is published under the CERN Open Hardware License v1.2, certified as official open source hardware by the Open Source Hardware Association (OSHWA). The software side, meanwhile, is handled by libraries for Arduino- and CircuitPython-compatible devices published by Adafruit - and any other libraries compatible with the SSD1331.
The display modules are now available to buy from Arturo's Tindie store, priced at $10 each; design files and documentation can be found on GitHub.