Build a Monster Scrolling LED Sign for $15/Foot

Build a Monster Scrolling LED Sign for $15/Foot...

If you’d like a marquee display (and who doesn’t), your biggest hesitation is likely is how much something like this will cost. Fortunately, Josh Levine has the solution for you in the form of his programmable LED strip display with a price tag of around $15 per foot. Physically, the setup is quite simple, and consists of a power supply, an Arduino Uno, and seven programmable LED strips.

The sign shown in the video below–complete with uplifting music, and a “medium-sized” child for scale. Though it looks quite impressive on YouTube, it’s reportedly extremely bright, and “breathtaking to behold in real life.” If you want to construct your own, check out Levine’s site for more info on the build!


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