Change Your Reality

This custom-built augmented reality headset is powered by a Raspberry Pi Zero and can be individualized to no end.

Nick Bild
17 days ago β€’ Virtual Reality
A custom Raspberry Pi-powered augmented reality headset (πŸ“·: miko_talik)

After decades of hype, it feels like virtual and augmented reality goggles have finally really arrived. For a few hundred bucks, it is now possible to pick up a powerful headset sporting fantastic resolution and fully onboard processing for a realistic and immersive experience. But just because you can buy some excellent hardware off the shelf does not mean that you have to go that route.

Advances in processing and display technologies, and also 3D printing, have made it possible to roll your own solution right at home. Sure, it probably will not be anywhere near as polished as a commercial device, but you might save a bit of cash, have the opportunity to customize the features to no end, and you will definitely learn a lot in the process. Redditor and hardware hacker miko_talik found that to be the case while designing and building custom augmented reality goggles.

When using the custom headset, images appear to be floating in space about a meter in front of the wearer. This can be used for applications like playing videos and displaying images, and it also makes for a good eBook reader or teleprompter.

There are not yet a lot of details about the design of the build, but it is powered by a Raspberry Pi Zero single-board computer. A lot of time was also spent by miko_talik making custom optics for the headset. A more detailed technical explanation of the device is expected to be made available soon, so stay tuned! Until that time, we will have to just drool over the pictures that have been released.

Nick Bild
R&D, creativity, and building the next big thing you never knew you wanted are my specialties.
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