Charles Giguere's GPIOViewer Library Gives You "X-Ray Vision" Into Espressif ESP32-Based Projects

Designed to speed debugging, this live-pin-viewer works in any browser and adds just 50kB onto your sketch size.

Maker Charles Giguere has designed a tool which aims to make it easier to troubleshoot projects built around Espressif ESP32 microcontrollers: an on-device web page providing live readouts of each pin on the board — in a 50kB Arduino library.

"It's like having X-ray vision," Giguere claims of his creation, "and if you're, like me, facing challenges in your microcontroller project, sometimes feeling overwhelmed, this tool is a game changer you don't want to miss. I developed it for my own use, but now I'm thrilled to share it with you as an easy to use library."

This handy-dandy library adds just 50kB to your ESP32 sketches while offering a live-view GPIO status page. (📷: Charles Giguere)

The tool in question is the GPIOViewer, an Arduino library which installs on an Espressif ESP32-based development board and provides an on-device web server accessible from any browser. Once accessed, the tool displays an image of the board in use — along with the status of every general-purpose input/output (GPIO) pin.

"The GPIOViewer [library] saves time and eliminates the guesswork," Giguere claims, "helping you to focus on the creative aspects of your project. Once the GPIOViewer finishes its initialization it will print a URL in the serial monitor: this is your golden ticket. Copy that URL, paste it in your your browser, and voila: you're now watching the live action of your pins on your screen. Any device with a browser can become your GPIO monitoring station."

A "generic view" is available if your ESP32 board isn't one of the 19 currently illustrated. (📷: Charles Giguere)

In its current release, the GPIOViewer library adds 50kB to a project — saving space by pulling down the required board imagery from a remote server rather than storing it locally. So far, the library supports 19 ESP32-based development boards, ranging from the compact Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32-C3 to the Espressif ESP32-VROOM-32D 38-pin variant — with a "generic view" if your particular model isn't yet supported.

The GPIOViewer library is available, with full source code, on the project's GitHub repository, under the permissive MIT license; a video demo is available on YouTube.


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