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Create Fake Wi-Fi Networks with the Deauther Watch V3

Travis Lin has released the third version of his hacker-friendly, ESP8266-based wristwatch.

Abhishek Jadhav
4 years ago β€’ Security / Wearables

Among all the ready-to-use smartwatches in the market, designer Travis Lin has released its third version of his ESP-based wearable. Like its predecessors, the Deauther Watch V3 shares the same functionality β€” that allows you to create fake networks, confuse Wi-Fi trackers, and show Wi-Fi traffic on a 1.3" OLED display.

Unlike the first model of the Deauther Watch, V3 comes with a low-cost, more accurate DS3231 RTC. This ESP-based watch still uses the ESP8266 board that only supports 2.4GHz.

Other than the same functionality as V2, V3 adds a powerful laser that can reach 50-100m. It's one of several hardware upgrades that include screen protection to keep your wristwatch safe. This 800mAh battery is capable of powering the device that can work for seven to eight hours.

What's more, the Deauther Watch comes with several GPIOs. To point out, we have an WS2812B LED and laser at GPIO 15 and 16, respectively. Lin has provided indicative charging LEDs and protection from short overcharging.

The latest entry model that runs ESP Deauther Software v2.6.0 comes with an added clock submenu to view or set time specifically for DSTIKE watches. For more details on the newly launched open source software, check out the GitHub repository.

For those interested in trying out the Deauther Watch V3, you can get one for yourself for $65 on Tindie.

Abhishek Jadhav
Abhishek Jadhav is an engineering student, freelance tech writer, RISC-V Ambassador, and leader of the Open Hardware Developer Community.
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