Delta X Is an Open Source Delta Robot Kit
Delta robots are amazing devices that use three motors and a linkage system to carefully position a manipulator in space. They’re commonly…
Delta robots are amazing devices that use three motors and a linkage system to carefully position a manipulator in space. They’re commonly used in 3D printers, but you may also see them in an industrial setting, doing a variety of jobs at speeds that are difficult for the human eye to track. While normally quite expensive, Doan Hong Trung (AKA IMWI SPACE) has developed a general purpose delta robot called the Delta X that will be released on Kickstarter soon.
The robot is powered by an Arduino Mega and RAMPS 1.4 board. This gives it largely the same components as a RepRap 3D printer, with the addition of circuitry to control end effectors. Like a 3D printer or other CNC machine, it’s controlled by G-code commands sent to its serial port. User interface can be accomplished through a computer or smart device over a wired connection, Bluetooth, or WiFi, and it uses custom software that will run on Windows, Ubuntu, or MacOS.
A few clips below show the Delta X in action, including two working together in a pick-and-place operation, a test employing it as a 3D printer, and control of the robot via a smartphone. More info, and many more demo clips can be found here, and you can sign up on to be notified when the Kickstarter is live. When funded, Delta X plans to release the design files, allowing you study, iterate, and enhance this robot as needed!