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Digital Monophonic 555 Step Sequencer Synth

Electroagenda's digital step sequencing synthesizer just uses a 555 timer (or two).

Jeremy Cook
9 days agoMusic

Today if you want to make electronic music, there are a wide variety of tools that you can use. However, what if you want to go back to the very basics, producing sounds characteristic of early video games with only discreet components, i.e. no computer or even microcontroller? If so, then Electroagenda's digital monophonic music synthesizer looks like a great place to start.

The device is driven by two (just use a) 555 timers. One acts as a clock generator, while the other produces the actual sounds. The adjustable 555 circuitry used for the clock generator sends signals to a CD4017 decade counter, which activates 10 notes in sequence via transistor. A second transistor for each step activates an LED as a visual sequence position indicator.

While LEDs are illuminated at each step, sound output is modified by potentiometers that individually control the sound at each step, plus jumpers that either allow each sound to play or leave it silent. The clock generator 555 is also controlled by a potentiometer, enabling the user to speed up or slow down the entire beat. The device outputs to an amplifier, though it produces a 5V peak-to-peak signal that may need regulation in order to play nicely with other equipment.

It’s an ingeniously simple synth, which may indeed cause people to consider if they could “just use a 555” for various effects! Check it out in action below:

Jeremy Cook
Engineer, maker of random contraptions, love learning about tech. Write for various publications, including Hackster!
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