Distraction-Free E-Ink Typewriter Comes with a Few Unique Tricks

As reported here, Lucian Copeland has spent his entire professional life as an engineer working on or in the vicinity of a laptop. Modern…

Jeremy Cook
6 years ago

As reported here, Lucian Copeland has spent his entire professional life as an engineer working on or in the vicinity of a laptop. Modern computers are, of course, incredible tools, giving us access to information and communication techniques that would have been unthinkable 20 years ago. This also means a wide variety of potential distractions, and for creative writing pursuits, he decided to design and build a machine — called SPUDwrite, or Single Purpose User Device — that would let him write, and only write, on a non-glowing e-paper screen.

One problem with this type of device is that e-ink refresh rates— which can be in the two-second range—are much too slow to accommodate even a moderately fast typist. Instead of attempting to hack the e-ink screen, Copeland added a small LCD underneath the main display, using it to quickly show and change the few characters that he’s working on at one moment. A second innovation comes in the form of a small thermal printer attached to the top. This produces physical mementos of what he’s thinking at a certain time, or can be used to allow physical editing with a pen.

While a Raspberry Pi would be the seemingly logical choice to run a device like this, the SPUDwrite instead uses Mbed firmware on a $10 STMicroelectronics Cortex-M4 processor. This allows ported Arduino code to run the system’s various components, while taking advantage of the M4’s much greater computing power.

Jeremy Cook
Engineer, maker of random contraptions, love learning about tech. Write for various publications, including Hackster!
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