Ditch Your Set of Irons for an Automatic Golf Club That Adjusts Itself Mid-Stroke

Shane Wighton's robotic golf club changes its angle on the fly to send shots the correct distance.

Jeremy Cook
5 years agoSports

Playing golf well takes a large amount of coordination and athleticism, something that not all of us have, or are willing to develop. If you’d like to become a better golfer — but would rather not put in the work — YouTube hacker Shane Wighton (AKA “Stuff Made Here”) has one solution with a club that automatically adjusts itself on the fly.

The device uses an IMU to classify different swing types and speed, and adjusts the loft angle mid-swing for proper distance shots. A high-speed servo is used for adjustment, along with a cam system to allow it to survive the massive amount of force that the club head exerts when it hits the ball (up to 4,000 pounds). The club head can be changed to a set position as well, eliminating the need to carry a huge bag of clubs.

Wighton also experimented with a hydraulic system that eventually had to be abandoned. The design was definitely an iterative process, involving a lot of 3D printing, and machining of critical parts once things were perfected.

It's an amazing piece of sports equipment, though taking care of any slices and hooks is still up to you. Wighton, however, does hint that something might be in the works for that. As of now, the device enabled him to go from shooting a 95 to an 85 on a par 3 course. This seems like a big improvement, but he’s remains skeptical for now. The chipping competition with his wife seems to have gone a bit worse, but you can watch that for yourself at around 14:00 in the video below.

For more Stuff Made Here, also check out Wighton’s “can’t miss” basketball hoop.

Jeremy Cook
Engineer, maker of random contraptions, love learning about tech. Write for various publications, including Hackster!
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