DIY Benchtop Power Supply From Gaming PSU
This gaming PC power supply was converted into a stylish and functional benchtop unit.
When making electronics projects, you need power. An array of wall warts can do the job sufficiently if you’re on a budget, or a purchased supply can give you more features and versatility. But if do any sort of PC modding, there’s a very good chance you have a PSU available – a robust power supply that outputs 3.3V, 5V, and 12V on different lines.
These devices can be readily converted for general-purpose project power. If the PSU is from a gaming PC, it’s likely even more capable than the average computer’s unit.
However, I’d have to bet that most DIY supplies turn out to be rather dingy and unfinished looking. For the “Ultimate DIY Laboratory PSU From a Gaming PC PSU,” look no further than this project by Alex_Goov, seen in the Inventors Den YouTube video below.
The device takes a typical gaming PC supply and adds a number of banana jacks, voltage/current displays, and fuses to make it much more functional. A boost converter was also integrated to enable it to produce variable voltages well beyond the 12VDC directly supplied by the PSU.
The main enclosure was made out of plywood, cut out with the help of a hand drill, rotary tool, and file. It was then finished with a carbon fiber vinyl wrap, along with a 3D-printed frame. Quite a few wires were routed internally to the proper connectors. Fuses were mounted on the outside of the main enclosure in small holders, which should allow for easy access.
Other features include integrated cooling fans, and an ESP8266 dev board with a temperature/humidity sensor and OLED display. It looks like a fun and useful build, and something that could provide great inspiration for other similar DIY supplies.
Engineer, maker of random contraptions, love learning about tech. Write for various publications, including Hackster!