E-Bike Snow Plow

Electric bicycle snow plow attachment made from repurposed materials.

over 1 year ago Bikes

When you think of riding a bike, images of someone cruising on a trail near the beach may come to mind, or perhaps a hot and crowded city with a multitude of people making their way from place to place. Philip Marciniak apparently had a different idea about what “biking” means, adding a snow plow attachment to his tank-like electric cargo bicycle.

As seen in the video below, the build is quite the feat of using what you have on-hand, as it appears that most if not all the components that went into this plow attachment were reused and recycled. The plow itself is made out of a 200 liter rain barrel, cut into sections and attached together to form a v-shape. Barrel sections are affixed to the bike via a wooden frame, and the plow can be lifted and lowered via a ratchet strap.

The bike is, at first, pretty difficult to ride, though after a bit of practice Marciniak was able to make a rather lengthy trek on a pedestrian/cyclist trail, cleaning up snow as he went. At around 14:00, you can see that another cyclist is actually riding in his snow-wake, apparently taking advantage of the cleared area behind him.

It's quite the entertaining project, and surprisingly effective. Four inches of snow or under is ideal for this plow setup, and it could probably do six, though a foot would be too much for this device. Marciniak has a few more ideas for the build, like a salt or sand applicator, so perhaps we haven’t seen the last of this two-wheeled snow plow!


Engineer, maker of random contraptions, love learning about tech. Write for various publications, including Hackster!

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