Hacker Creates His Own “Starbucks Button”

The Amazon Dash Button is an interesting concept. When you run out of something, you just press a button, and in a few hours (or… days!?!)…

Hackster Staff
8 years ago

The Amazon Dash Button is an interesting concept. When you run out of something, you just press a button, and in a few hours (or… days!?!) you have whatever you need at your doorstep. While you can probably go a while without detergent, coffee is a whole ’nother story.

In order to make his daily caffeine consumption even more convenient than simply using the Starbucks app, Ryan Pickren hacked an AWS IoT Button to do the same thing. With a tap, the button sends his drink request as if the order was generated by his smartphone.

From there, all Pickren has to do is actually go to his nearby Starbucks location and pick up his latte, macchiato, or whatever else it is that gets him going in the morning.

Perhaps this may seem like it would be easy, but it required a fairly involved hacking and reverse engineering process to get everything working correctly. Luckily, Pickren documented it all here.

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