Happy Earth Day Hacksters!

To celebrate Earth Day, we're highlighting some of the community's eco-friendly projects along with Alex's videos on sustainability!

In celebration of Earth Day, we've compiled a list of our favorite projects that are dedicated to preserving our planet and using sustainable building practices to reduce carbon footprints, along with some of Alex's videos that show sustainable options for developers when building projects!


Solar Charged Battery Powered Arduino Uno: This project tutorial shows how to create a time-switching, battery-powered, and solar-charged circuit. This circuit can be used to power an Arduino Uno and peripherals including sensors, communication modules, and others.

Build a Mobile App That Connects to Your RPi 3 Using BLE: Andreas Lundquist walks through how to build a mobile application that connects to a Raspberry Pi 3 using Bluetooth low energy. This is a great example of how to conserve energy when creating these applications and create a better lifecycle when developing hardware projects!

Grow It Yourself | GIY: This project acts as an incubator to create the ideal conditions for plants to grow from seeds to maturity. It has a built-in sunlight emulator, irrigation system, and climate controller all in one place!

E-Ink Display for Daily News, Weather, and More: This display uses a Raspberry Pi Zero Wireless with an E-Ink display to show the latest news stories, the weather, and other information to get the day started. E-Ink’s low power properties and its ability to keep images rendered without power is a great alternative to current displays!

Shower Regulator: Ryan Chan created a device to limit the time of a shower to 5 minutes to preserve water and create a sustainable check on one of the most wasteful appliances in homes.


Sustainable Filament: Back in 2019, Alex talked about solutions for recycling filament and other plastics to be used again in 3D printing, and if PLA is biodegradable or not. Check it out and learn more about ways to use sustainable practices when 3D printing!

2022 PCB Badge: Earlier this year, Alex unboxed a WIP PCB badge that the Hackster team thought should represent a specific value, sustainability. Each part of the badge could be used in a different way besides the creation of the badge such as an earring, a booklight, clips on a lanyard, and other uses in case the part may not work with the badge.

Kitty Yeung's Fashion Tech: In this Hackster Cafe last year, we interviewed Kitty Yeung about her Kickstarter that featured solar panels, heated garments, LED panels, and Bluetooth brooches. Check out the interview and learn more about the future of sustainable smart wearables!

There’s no end to the possibilities when it comes to creating a sustainable planet and together we can achieve so much to protect our planet. We can’t wait to see what amazing projects you’ll create in the future that preserves the Earth!

Jack Kapps
Hackster's Digital Marketing Specialist
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