Infinite Domino Ring with LEGO Bricks

LEGO dominoes fall and are automatically reset over and over!

over 1 year ago

Setting up and successfully executing a domino run can be a lot of fun, but the pursuit can also be quite time consuming. The Infinite LEGO Domino Ring from JK Brickworks, however, does all the setup work for you. You simply trigger the first of 64 dominoes in the ring, and the others are knocked down in sequence.

Instead of staying down, though, the ring features a sort of “reset train,” which travels along the inside of the LEGO circle, and stands the dominoes up before the sequence completes. This happens and over and over, creating an infinite fall-reset loop.

The dominoes are fixtured in place on hinges, and a lifting arm assembly is added to the side of each one. This allows the wedge-shaped reset mechanism gently push the dominoes up as it passes.

The mechanism is powered by two motors in the center of the circle, under control of a programmable LEGO Mindstorms EV3 unit. The speed of the domino fall-reset process is measured via an infrared sensor tied to one brick. This gives it precise enough control of the system to keep the reset mechanism roughly 180º away from where the dominoes fall.

It's a neat idea, which appears to work quite well as it loops over and over in the video below. What’s really impressive, however, is shown at the end. There the rotating reset wedge stops the falling process by speeding up, leaving each domino in a stable upright state!


Engineer, maker of random contraptions, love learning about tech. Write for various publications, including Hackster!

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