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iPod-Style ESPHome Remote

This ESPHome remote features an iPod-style scroll wheel and two other form factors.

Jeremy Cook
3 years agoHome Automation

While buttons are functional, and touchscreens are arguably even better, for some applications its hard to beat the scrolling action of a scroll wheel. Landon Rohatensky ESPHome remote control unit combines an iPod-style wheel input with an ESP32-based LILYGO T-Display TTGO module, making a beautifully functional ESPHome remote unit. The device adds a breakout PCB for the scroll wheel, along with an 1100 mAh battery, but uses little else components-wise.

Rohatensky demonstrates the device's functionality in the video below, controlling speakers, then a TV and lights. Finally, it appears that he might be trying to control his cat based on the camera work. As laughable as that seems, after a few inputs he does indeed get his cat to move by activating an automatic feeding mechanism.

The T-Display unit makes a very nice platform for such a setup, as it provides a screen, additional buttons to compliment the scroll wheel, and a battery charging circuit. However, it’s actually not the only option available. You can use this firmware package on either an M5Stack Fire device, or a LILYGO T-Display T4 without any additional hardware. Both feature a simplified UI compared to the T-Display version, though a scroll wheel setup is planned for the T4.

Installation instructions can be found in the project's write-up. With multiple hardware options, this should be quite the approachable and useful project for ESPHome aficionados. Perhaps you already have the hardware for it on-hand!

Jeremy Cook
Engineer, maker of random contraptions, love learning about tech. Write for various publications, including Hackster!
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