Life-Sized LEGO Walkie-Talkie Replica with Bluetooth Controls

As you would probably guess, Bob, at I Like To Make Stuff, is a big fan of LEGO, and decided to create a life-sized replica of their…

Jeremy Cook
6 years ago

As you would probably guess, Bob Clagett is a big fan of LEGO, and decided to create a life-sized replica of their iconic walkie-talkie. He decided to even make it functional, not as a voice communication device, but as a Bluetooth input for Twitch controls.

Electronics for the build are quite straightforward, and he uses a Feather Bluefruit LE board to take care of Bluetooth communications via instructions found on Adafruit. Wiring consists simply of plugging in a LiPo battery, and connecting three buttons (and later switches) to inputs and ground. This enables the Feather’s built-in pull-up resistors to take care of any potential floating issues.

The model was cut out of layers of 1/4” MDF, using printed templates to keep everything accurate and a lathe to fashion the faux antenna. This part of the project entails a few interesting tricks, including the use of rare earth magnets to keep the device’s cover on, applying heat to release stuck-on templates when finished, and the use of EVA foam for squishy buttons.

A write-up on the controller is available here, and the process is of course documented in the YouTube video below, featuring a hotkey demo at around 13:00. Code for the build is up on GitHub, and Clagett gives a walkthrough of how it works in the second clip if you’d like more info on that aspect.

Jeremy Cook
Engineer, maker of random contraptions, love learning about tech. Write for various publications, including Hackster!
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