MDU Labs' M.2 NGFF Breakout Board Aims to Simplify Debugging, Experimentation

Compatible with all M.2 form factors, and available in all four key varieties, the MDU Labs breakout pulls out pins from boards on test.

Gareth Halfacree
4 years agoDebugging

MDU Labs has released a board designed to aid with debugging M.2, also known as Next-Generation Form Factor (NGFF), devices: a breakout board compatible with all form factors and key types.

"We made it because we needed it and we couldn't find it out there," the company writes of the product. "We developed a set of dual-channel LoRa M.2 radios as a part of an Industrial Safety IoT (IIoT) project. After some time, we figured it would be very useful if we could disconnect these M.2 radios from their base boards and connect them to a PC for debugging. Unfortunately the small pitch of M.2 connectors make it pretty hard to solder flying leads and we thought a breakout board would be handy... The rest is history."

"It's not really special, but it's super handy! We can fit any connector to support any key (A B E or M) and it also includes a 4.2mm standoff. Let us know if you need a taller one! All the connectors are broken out in pairs but the board does not have controlled impedance."

As supplied, each breakout board supports all the NGFF form factors including 2230, 2242, 2260, 3030, 3042, and 3060. The connector itself is available with keys A, B, E, and M — though this must be specified at the time of purchase, and anyone wanting to break out multiple boards with different key types will have to purchase one for each.

The breakout is now available on Tindie for $38.

Gareth Halfacree
Freelance journalist, technical author, hacker, tinkerer, erstwhile sysadmin. For hire:
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