Mesmerize Your Guests with an Infinity Mirror Coffee Table

This programmable piece of furniture shines with the power of 600 WS2812B LEDs.

Jeremy Cook
4 years agoLights

When electronics and woodworking collide, you can expect beautiful results, and his luminescent coffee table is no exception. It was constructed out of oak, with mirror tinted glass used to bounce light back and forth to form a beautiful “infinity” effect.

An Arduino Mega clone is used to control 600 LEDs, arranged in three rows between the two mirrored surfaces. This allows for the wide variety of light configurations that you’d expect from such a setup, and few of the possibilities can be seen in this imgur set including a "Matrix mode." The classic rainbow pattern looks especially beautiful as it moves through colors with a gentle angle. Power is provided by a 5V supply, with each of the six strip ends connected to avoid voltage drop and flickering.

The visible woodworking is nicely done here, with the electronics affixed to the bottom. Its creator "Procupine” claims that the electronics are neater than it looks, but it’s hidden well enough that only those who are really curious will see that aspect.

More info, as well as discussion on the design, can be found in the project’s Reddit post. Per one of the comments, this type of lighting could also be pulled off with an ESP8266/ESP32, potentially giving it all kinds of new IoT capabilities.

Jeremy Cook
Engineer, maker of random contraptions, love learning about tech. Write for various publications, including Hackster!
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