Olimex Unveils the RVPC, a Near-One-Dollar All-in-One RISC-V Retro-Style Computing Platform

Designed as an accessible soldering kit and a platform for RISC-V experimentation, the RVPC will sell for just one Euro.

Bulgarian open-hardware specialist Olimex has unveiled a new design for what is claimed will be the "lowest cost open source hardware all-in-one RISC-V computer" in the world — with a planned retail price of just €1 (around $1.10.)

"The idea about EURO 1.00 Do-It-Yourself educational RISC-V computer came at TuxCon 2024 and I made lighting talk about it," explains Olimex founder Tsvetan Usunov of the board's origin. "Then after the event I thought some more and decided to use SO8 package and to drop the SD Card which would take too much resources."

The RVPC turns a RISC-V microcontroller into a retro-style microcomputer — for around one dollar. (📷: Olimex)

The finalized concept for what would become the Olimex RVPC was to deliver a kit-form system, designed to be accessible even to those new to soldering, which offers a complete all-in-one platform for experimenting with basic computing on a RISC-V platform — and to do so for a price of just €1.

The resulting design is based on the WCH Electronics CH32V003, a 32-bit RISC-V microcontroller with six general-purpose input/output (GPIO) pins. A PS/2 connector for a keyboard takes up two pins, a VGA connector for a display takes up another three, and the final free GPIO pin is connected to an on-board buzzer for audio feedback.

As a microcontroller, the CH32V003 may not be the first choice for driving a "personal computer" — but the march of time and technology means a modern microcontroller can easily go toe-to-toe with the microcomputers of the 1980s on which many people cut their teeth. For software, then, the board comes with what Usunov describes as a "bare minimum Woz-like monitor which will allow you to learn the RISC-V instructions by poking, peeking, and disassembling the memory."

The idea behind the project was born at TuxCon 2024 during a lightning talk by Olimex' Tsvetan Usunov. (📹: TuxCon Mobi)

"As CH32V003 have only 2k[B] of RAM, VGA resolution of 320×200 is possible," Usunov continues, "[and] in text mode 40×25 characters. The video will be generated without graphics video buffer, for the games user defined characters could be used. It is more toy than computer," he admits, "but this is how I learned computers 40 years ago."

Prototypes of the board will be available next week, Usunov says, and made available to anyone interested in assisting with software development; the finished kits will be sold on the Olimex web store at just €1 (around $1.10), and will also form the heart of a soldering workshop Usunov is planning to run at OpenFest 2024 in Sofia this November.


Freelance journalist, technical author, hacker, tinkerer, erstwhile sysadmin. For hire: freelance@halfacree.co.uk.

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