PiCon One Raspberry Pi Zero Controller

This multi-function device is a great starting point for your home automation projects.

Jeremy Cook
4 years agoHome Automation

The Raspberry Pi Zero and Zero W are wonderful single-board computers, with a wide variety of uses. Then again, for most things that you want to do with it, you’ll need to add accessories like a screen, buttons, and more. This type of customization is half the fun in some cases, but in others you’d rather have hardware ready to go, allowing you to work on your actual project.

As a versatile all-in-one Pi solution, Frank Migge came up with the PiCon One, which contains a 3.5” 320x480 TFT touchscreen, a DS3231 RTC module, and more, inside a see-through polycarbonate enclosure. The device is used as a sort of reverse Pi Zero HAT — one might call it a "HOB" for hardware on bottom — with the main PCB and components visible in its clear housing. These include status LEDs, GPS and XBee interfaces, two 7-segment displays, and four pushbuttons that you’ll presumably need to take the cover off to use.

The PiCon One is intended to work a “compact, fully integrated multi-function control hub for solar systems,” capable of monitoring and logging. It could be extremely useful for wind power control, GPS location, and home automation, among many other applications, letting you avoid reinventing this particular element of your design.

Details are found on GitHub, and Migge is open to improvement suggestions if you see something that needs to be changed!

Jeremy Cook
Engineer, maker of random contraptions, love learning about tech. Write for various publications, including Hackster!
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