Playing Doom on a Thermostat
Smart thermostats, what are they good for? Sure, you could program them to heat and cool your house in an efficient manner, but perhaps…
8 years ago • Gaming
Smart thermostats, what are they good for? Sure, you could program them to heat and cool your house in an efficient manner, but perhaps you’d rather use the device’s computing and display to play video games. Sound ludicrous? Maybe, but YouTuber “cz7 asm” shows that it is indeed possible, running an open source version of Doom on a Honeywell Prestige thermostat.
As seen in the video here, the gadget doesn’t currently have sound output, but if you turn up your speakers loud enough, you can hear cz7’ clicking away on his SNES-style controller.
Code for the thermostat is derived from Chocolate Doom and its STM32F429 port, which is available here if you’d like to “Doom-ify” your device as well.