Robotic Machine Records Loud Sounds and Replays Them on Loop

Media artist Dmitry Morozov (known by many as ::vtol::) has built a robotic installation that uses a rotating microphone to record loud…

Hackster Staff
8 years agoRobotics / Music

Media artist Dmitry Morozov (known by many as ::vtol::) has built a robotic installation that uses a rotating microphone to record loud sounds in its space, and then piece them together to create an algorithmic composition that’s played on loop through a pair of speakers.

Collector first gathers 100 samples. From there, the machine emits the reconstructed sound clip for one minute, so it can be heard by everyone in its vicinity. While in this mode, the recording stops. Once done, it erases everything and begins a new search.

Aside from its directional stereo microphone and two speakers, Collector features an Arduino Uno, a servo motor, and an LED flashlight that illuminates to show detected sounds or indicate playback mode.

You can see it in action below!

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