Roni Gorodetsky's OmniKit Alarm Clock Recreates a Goblin Teasmade as a Raspberry Pi-Powered Gadget

Driven by a Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 and Gorodetsk's OmniKit add-ons, this MQTT-triggered coffee pot gets you going.

OmnIoT founder Roni Gorodetsky is back with another time-saving creation powered by a Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 and the OmniKit development ecosystem: a coffee-brewing alarm inspired by the classic Goblin Teasmade.

Linked to a smartphone app that delivers MQTT messages when triggered, the smart coffee pot waits for the user to dismiss the alarm and then begins brewing a fresh cup. The heart of the system: a Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 running a Python 3 MQTT client linked to a relay, which takes on the task of switching an off-the-shelf coffee maker on and off.

The project follows hot on the heels of an inventory tracking system, designed to place components in barcode-tagged bags for automatic entry and removal from an InvenTree system while lighting up which particular storage bin a bag should be returned to in order for its parts to remain easily found. Both are driven by the Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4, and Gorodetsky's OmniKit add-on board and accessories.

This setup ensures a piping hot cup of coffee when you wake, courtesy of an MQTT-enabled alarm app. (📹: Roni Gorodetsky)

Gorodetsky is far from the only maker who likes to wake up to a nice cup of something hot: Last year Malcolm Splendiff showed off a vintage Goblin Teasmade, an off-the-shelf alarm clock for serving tea or coffee, which had been linked to Google Calendar via a Raspberry Pi Zero W.

"Leaving a single coffee machine connected to the entire [Raspberry Pi] is not the best choice," Gorodetsky admits. "That's more like a 'quick-and-dirty' demo of home automation using an alarm app. That specific coffee machine automatically stops brewing once the water is out, then it enters into a heating mode to keep the coffee hot."

More details are available on the project's Reddit thread.


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