Simple DIY Oscillator with a Transistor, Resistor, and Capacitor

If you need electronic oscillations, the first thing you likely think of is using a timer of some sort, such as a 555. On the other hand…

Hackster Staff
7 years ago

If you need electronic oscillations, the first thing you likely think of is using a timer of some sort, such as a 555. On the other hand, LOOK MUM NO COMPUTER demonstrates that you can make one yourself using a transistor, a resistor, and a capacitor.

He’s able to do this by using the transistor in a “negative avalanche,” as elaborated in more detail here. This gives you a sound generator with only six components, or even fewer if you’re not looking to pipe it into a larger sound generating setup.

While entertaining, the video gives a great description of how to actually make this circuit, and could serve as a great intro to creating your own sound devices. One interesting technique is shown just after 3:00, where he draws the circuits out on stripboard using a marker before attachment. Soldering on top of your notebook, however, would best be done with a fire extinguisher nearby!

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