STMicroelectronics' Qualcomm Partnership Bears Fruit: The Triple-Threat ST67W611M1 IoT Module

Qualcomm QCC743-based module adds Wi-Fi 6, Bluetooth 5.3 Low Energy (BLE), and Thread connectivity to any STM32.

Gareth Halfacree
3 months agoInternet of Things / HW101

STMicroelectronics has unveiled the first fruit of its partnership with Qualcomm: the ST67W611M1, an Internet of Things (IoT) communications coprocessor module that makes it easy to use Qualcomm's QCC743 multi-protocol connectivity chip with any STM32 microcontroller or microprocessor.

"Our collaboration delivers multiple advantages for the large community that leverage the STM32 family in their embedded systems," claims STMicro's Remi El-Ouazzane of the two companies' team-up. "Qualcomm's expertise in highly influential and widely used wireless connectivity technologies is now at product developers’ fingertips and combines with the powerful software, tools, features and project acceleration offered by the STM32 development ecosystem."

"This is just the beginning of our mission, which we expect to deliver many further successes enabling new and advanced edge processing applications," adds Qualcomm's Rahul Patel. "We look forward to continuing our collaboration with STMicroelectronics to bring more unparalleled connected experiences with Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, AI [Artificial Intelligence], 5G, and more."

The ST67W611M1 module itself bears STMicro's log on its protective metal cover, but it's a Qualcomm QCC743 system-on-chip under the hood — delivering Wi-Fi 6, Bluetooth 5.3 Low Energy (BLE), and Thread-compatible IEEE 802.15.4 connectivity, plus support for Matter-over-Wi-Fi. There's 4MB of flash for code and data storage, and a choice of PCB antenna or uFL connector for an external antenna.

The module isn't built for standalone use, though: the idea is to connect it to any one of STMicro's various STM32 microcontroller and microprocessor product lines, using it as a pre-qualified module to easily add wireless connectivity to any STM32 project — including those based on the company's latest STM32N6 chips, its first microcontroller to feature the in-house Neural-ART machine learning accelerator for edge AI workloads.

The ST67W611M1 is now sampling, STMicro has confirmed, with general availability scheduled for early 2025; pricing has not yet been disclosed. More information is available on the STMicro website.

Gareth Halfacree
Freelance journalist, technical author, hacker, tinkerer, erstwhile sysadmin. For hire:
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