The Cutest Little One-Button Handheld Game Console You’ll See Today

The Wrench proved that video game consoles don’t have to be complicated by building this cute little one-button handheld for Flappy Bird.

Cameron Coward
7 months agoGaming

How many buttons do you need to play a video game? If an alien were to look at a modern PS5 or Xbox Series S/X controller, they’d probably assume the answer is “at least a dozen.” But the wildly popular game Flappy Bird proved that it is possible to create a fun video game that only requires a single binary input for control. To play games like those, The Wrench built this cute little one-button handheld console.

This isn’t quite as small as the ridiculously tiny Thumby that we covered a few years ago, but it isn’t far off. The larger size makes it much more usable, with the relatively big 0.96” monochrome OLED screen being less of an eye strain. And because there is only a single button to press, it is much easier to interact with. That does, of course, limit the kinds of games it can support. But it is perfect for Flappy Bird clones and other one-button games.

The Wrench started by prototyping the console on a breadboard. That required a DFRobot Fermion display, a DFRobot Beetle ESP32-C6 development board, and a push button. The prototype let The Wrench verify that all of the hardware connections were working properly and gave them the opportunity to start the game development. The Wrench’s brother handled that part, programming a clone of Flappy Bird with simplified graphics that would run very smoothly on the ESP32-C6 microcontroller.

With the prototype tested, The Wrench designed a custom PCB to be manufactured by JLCPCB. Its purpose is to connect the components together and to act as a structural frame. The Wrench was also able to add a small lithium battery for power and that didn’t even require additional components, because the DFRobot Beetle board has onboard charging and power delivery circuitry. Finally, a 3D-printed cap for the button made it easier to press.

The finished console looks great and seems like it would be fun to play. The Wrench also intends to create some additional one-button games for it in the future.

Cameron Coward
Writer for Hackster News. Proud husband and dog dad. Maker and serial hobbyist. Check out my YouTube channel: Serial Hobbyism
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