This DIY Mechanical Keyboard Looks Fantastic

Thomas Rinsma wanted a way to learn more about electronics and PCB design, so he built this nifty DIY mechanical keyboard.

5 months ago

We love mechanical keyboards around here. They provide a much more satisfying tactile and auditory experience than their membrane cousins, and may even reduce RSI (repetitive strain injury) risks. They’re also far more DIY-friendly than membrane designs, since each key has its own self-contained switch. Wire those together by hand or with a basic PCB and you’ve got a functional keyboard matrix. Thomas Rinsma took advantage of that fact to build this nice-looking DIY mechanical keyboard.

Rinsma works as a security analyst, but his hobbies are much more varied. He’s been learning more about electronics and PCB design, and wanted a project that would give him some much-needed practice in that arena. This keyboard, which Rinsma calls “kb1,” was the perfect choice. It helped him gain some experience and he got a useful device out of it.

The kb1 keyboard has a standard tenkeyless layout compatible with Cherry MX switches. Each key has its own RGB LED backlight that can be controlled independently of the others. A 16×2 character LED display in the function key row can show information and a rotary encoder knob provides an interface for functions like volume control.

The keyboard’s controller is a Raspberry Pi Pico development board and that runs KMK firmware. That is CircuitPython-based firmware created specifically for keyboard microcontrollers and it offers a ton of flexibility. If a user wants their keyboard to do something, KMK probably supports it.

Rinsma’s biggest challenge was designing the keyboard’s PCBs. The kb1 has two large PCBs forming a sandwich. Most of the components solder onto the bottom PCB, with the top PCB acting more like a mechanical plate. Rinsma designed those PCBs in KiCAD and found two tools that were very helpful. The first is marbastlib, which has a bunch of different footprints for Cherry MX switches and stabilizers. The second is kicad-kbplacer, which positions the switches based on a file from an online keyboard layout editor.

This does require quite a lot of delicate SMD (surface-mount device) soldering work, but anyone who wants to build this keyboard can have all of that done by the PCB fabricator. The result is a keyboard that looks pretty nifty. It doesn’t do anything new or groundbreaking, but it helped Rinsma learn some new skills and that’s what really matters.


Writer for Hackster News. Proud husband and dog dad. Maker and serial hobbyist. Check out my YouTube channel: Serial Hobbyism

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