This Gigantic AirPod Bluetooth Speaker Is the Biggest Flex

Redditor Master_Aar made a massive and functional AirPod that's pretty hard to lose.

Cameron Coward
5 years agoMusic / 3D Printing

When Apple launched their AirPod wireless headphones, they were pretty controversial. They came just after Apple decided to get rid of the headphone jack on iPhones, which was a decision that made everyone upset. Ostensibly, their motivation was to make the iPhone thinner. But we all know that the change was really made in order to sell expensive AirPods. Since then, AirPods have become something of a status symbol — a “flex,” as the kids say. That means that a gigantic AirPod is the biggest flex, and Redditor Master_Aar went and pulled it off.

As other Redditors have already pointed out, this isn’t a giant AirPod Pro. That means it’s not quite as strong of a flex as it could have been. Even so, it will certainly attract more attention than your silly human ear-fitting AirPod Pro headphones. The enclosure was fully 3D-printed, and was, of course, modeled to look each like a real Apple AirPod headphone. Specially, the left one. Master_Aar didn’t make a right headphone, as they’re busy with school, but they can always just tell people that that one got lost.

The best part of this project is that this 10-inch-tall AirPod headphone is actually functional! Master_Aar disassembled a cheap portable Bluetooth speaker from Amazon, and shoved the innards into the 3D-printed shell. They used some push buttons from Adafruit to relocate the Bluetooth speaker’s controls to the proper locations. The speaker’s battery was kept, so this enlarged AirPod is still portable and can be recharged. We can only imagine the look on people’s faces when Master_Aar holds it up to their ear in public.

Cameron Coward
Writer for Hackster News. Proud husband and dog dad. Maker and serial hobbyist. Check out my YouTube channel: Serial Hobbyism
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