Track Your Productivity with This Magic Mirror

You’ve probably seen various iterations of magic mirrors, where a monitor hidden behind a one-way mirror displays stats about the weather…

Jeremy Cook
7 years ago

You’ve probably seen various iterations of magic mirrors, where a monitor hidden behind a one-way mirror displays stats about the weather, traffic, or whatever information is pertinent to you while getting ready for the day. This design, however, takes a different approach and lets you track your productivity using information garnered from the Trello and RescueTime applications.

The device, as with many other similar mirrors, uses a Raspberry Pi to control the visuals, and shows the user a to-do list and weekly overview. Getting more personal, it also tracks the percentage of time you’ve spent working on productive tasks on your computer and phone throughout the day, as well as a graph that reveals the amount of time you spent on different types of programs compared to the day before.

If that wasn’t motivating enough, the design also integrates a strip of RGB LEDs, forming a glowing ring around the frame to let you know how you’re doing productivity-wise, making your good or bad performance pretty much unavoidable. The project, which features a beautiful wood frame along with its clever programming, is meant as a starting point, and author Görkem Bozkurt (aka “gocivici”) hopes that others will take this build even further!

Jeremy Cook
Engineer, maker of random contraptions, love learning about tech. Write for various publications, including Hackster!
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