UnaBiz Joins the LoRa Alliances, Partners with Semtech for Sigfox 0G Support

UnaBiz takes on Contributor-level membership, while partnering with companies across the LoRaWAN ecosystem for Sigfox 0G support.

UnaBiz, fresh from its acquisition of Sigfox in 2022, has announced its joining of the LoRa Alliance as a contributor — and partnerships with companies including Semtech to bring Sigfox 0G technology to existing LoRa platforms.

"The first step towards technology convergence is understanding our differences. As a firm believer in an open ecosystem, UnaBiz has worked with various IoT [Internet of Things] communication technologies in the last seven years," claims UnaBiz co-founder and chief executive officer Henri Bong, "and we understand well that each customer should have the freedom to leverage the uniqueness of each LPWAN [Low-Power Wide-Area Network] in order to capture maximum value from their 'Massive IoT' projects."

UnaBiz, the new owner of Sigfox, has announced its membership of the LoRa Alliance — and industry partnerships besides. (📷: UnaBiz)

Since acquiring Sigfox and its French network operations in 2022, UnaBiz has been partnering with some big names in the LoRaWAN market — including The Things Industries, LORIOT, and Actility. Its most recently-announced collaboration is with Semtech, and will see the Sigfox 0G LPWAN technology added to the company's LoRa Edge and next-generation LoRa Connect platforms.

"With this collaboration, we are bringing together the LoRaWAN and Sigfox ecosystems to expand Semtech's LoRa platform to an even larger footprint of LPWAN networks across the globe and provide IoT developers and customers with best-in-class solutions for ultra-low power connectivity, security and cloud-based geolocation, claims Semtech's Tom Mueller.

"We are creating a cost-effective, single SKU platform for our customers to benefit from the best available network coverage globally and we are enabling LoRa Cloud geolocation across these networks, bringing ultra-low power Wi-Fi and GNSS [Global Navigation Satellite System] sniffing for logistics and asset tracking."

Semtech has confirmed a partnership with UnaBiz which will add Sigfox 0G support to its LoRa Edge and LoRa Connect platforms. (📷: Semtech)

"I am pleased to welcome UnaBiz to the LoRa Alliance," says Donna Moore, chair and chief executive of the LoRa Alliance, of UnaBiz' new membership. "Solutions providers are a key driver of LoRaWAN adoption and scaled deployments. UnaBiz's viewpoints on multi-protocol business models align with the LoRa Alliance's strategy that complementary protocols are required to address Massive IoT use case solutions."

Thus far, no timescale has been given for Sigfox 0G support on Semtech devices.


Freelance journalist, technical author, hacker, tinkerer, erstwhile sysadmin. For hire: freelance@halfacree.co.uk.

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