USB-C for Logitech MX Ergo Trackball

Custom PCB upgrades Logitech MX Ergo trackball to USB-C.

Jeremy Cook
7 months ago

USB-C – the connector to end all connectors – has been available for the better part of a decade, and offers a wide range of capabilities including reversibility. Unfortunately, some devices, even those that would otherwise count as premium products, still feature older connectors. One such device is the Logitech MX Ergo trackball, which costs around $100, but has a Micro USB port for charging.

As an MX Ergo user myself, I see it as a small annoyance for an otherwise good product. Redditor TheSolderking, however, had it with this inferior port and instead installed a USB-C socket in an impressively finished setup.

Rather than hacking his beautiful Ergo to smithereens, Solderking carefully disassembled this pointing device, revealing two PCBs stacked inside. The larger of these PCBs was left alone, but the smaller charging unit was analyzed to get the proper connections and scanned for dimensional accuracy. This scan was then scaled and imported into Fusion 360, for a physical board that went into the trackball with minimal modifications.

Electronics-wise, the PCB was laid out in Eagle and made by board manufacturer PCBWay. All the components, save the actual new USB-C connector and two associated resistors, were then transferred over with a hot air gun and lots of flux.

After board cleanup, a little work with a rotary tool, and bonus switch replacements, the trackball was put back together. It’s now ready to point and click for the foreseeable future, capable of recharging every few months without the need to fumble around for a Micro USB cable!

More info on the build can be found here, and PCB/BOM files are available if you want to try this hack yourself!

Jeremy Cook
Engineer, maker of random contraptions, love learning about tech. Write for various publications, including Hackster!
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