World's Smallest MIDI Controller?

Teensy 4.0-based device could be the world's smallest MIDI controller.

Jeremy Cook
1 year agoMusic

Hacking and music seem to go hand in hand, which one might argue has been the case since to sticks were first rhythmically tapped together. While stick (or pencil) tapping is still alive and well, others have moved on to the world of electronic music and MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface).

As Moby Pixel notes in the video below, musicians are often haunted by another acronym, FOMO, the fear of missing out. Rather than buying something new, Mr. Pixel instead shows us how to make a very small MIDI device – maybe even the world's smallest – using a Teensy 4.0 or a wide range of other Arduino devices you may have lying around.

To construct this device he plugged the Teensy into a... teensy breadboard, adding a pair of buttons that connect pins 13 or 23 to ground. After loading code found here, the device acts as a MIDI controller, working nicely with Garage Band. While it's only two buttons, he's able to pound out a pretty interesting beat at around the 3:00 mark – apparently with some background music added in.

While small, one might question whether what he's built there is actually the world's smallest MIDI controller. However, after the initial demo, he strips away the breadboard and buttons, playing the Teensy with a simple jumper – thus creating an even smaller MIDI device. This last technique isn't a recommended build, but playing the pins like a set of chimes is certainly a fun trick!

Jeremy Cook
Engineer, maker of random contraptions, love learning about tech. Write for various publications, including Hackster!
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