Gest-chair is a smart gesture controlled device developed to help physically challenged people - wheelchair bound. Using a Myo armband, the Arduino takes an input from the user to drive the motors. It also has an emergency feature "SoS."
Myo band informs the application about the orientation of the hand. It maps data into two type of spatial data i.e. orientation, application vector. Using this orientation we generate different string tokens for different gestures to control the wheelchair.
In this demo, we are using one step motor to replicate the wheelchair and led for the SoS feature.
Story:Our team had gone to participate in the SF Hacks 2018. There we saw different hardware components to play with and Myo armband was one of it. Since none of us had used it before we decided to try it out make a cool hack with it. After figuring out how the device worked, we thought it would be great if we could help the physically challenged people in anyway and that's how we came up with this idea.
It takes an input from the Myo band and using serial communication with Arduino it helps to control the things using it.
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