Published © GPL3+

Computerised Telescope/Camera Tracking System

Telescope or camera tracking system for astrophotography.

IntermediateWork in progress12,668
Computerised Telescope/Camera Tracking System

Things used in this project

Hardware components

AstroSyn MY103H702 stepper motor
Arduino Nano R3
Arduino Nano R3
6N137 Opto Isolator chip
CD40106 Hex Schmitt Trigger chips
LED's, Plugs & Sockets, Veroboard, Insulated Wire
12 volt 1 Amp mains transformer
EasyDriver board ver 4.3


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Controller circuit Part 1

Controller circuit Part 2


Arduino code

Arduino code for control box
  This sketch will (working with Visual Basic "Scope Controller" program)-
  1. Read the serial port looking for a character between 1-4.
  2. Send the necessary motor control pulses to the interface board, which will send them to the EasyDriver boards,
     which will then step the ALT/AZ motors.


int inByte ;
int OnDelay = 5;            // Motor pulse ON delay
int OffDelay = 5;           // Motor OFF delay
int XS = 2;                 // Define pin number to the interface board for the ALT Motor XS input lead
int XD = 3;                 // Define pin number to the interface board for the ALT Motor XD input lead
int YS = 4;                 // Define pin number to the interface board for the AZ Motor YS input lead
int YD = 5;                 // Define pin number to the interface board for the AZ Motor YD input lead
//int ZS = 6;                 // Spare ZS
//int ZD = 7;                 // Spare ZD

void setup()
  // initialize serial communication:
  pinMode(2, OUTPUT);       // Set ALT (XS) pin to output
  pinMode(3, OUTPUT);       // Set ALT (XD) pin to output
  pinMode(4, OUTPUT);       // Set AZ (YS) pin to output
  pinMode(5, OUTPUT);       // Set AZ (YS) pin to output

void loop()

  // read the serial port
  if (Serial.available() > 0)
    inByte =;

    switch (inByte)

      case '1': //ALT+
        digitalWrite(XD,LOW);         // Make sure motor DIRECTION turn OFF
        delay(OnDelay);               // Wait
        digitalWrite(XS,LOW);         // Make sure motor STEP turn OFF
        delay(OnDelay);               // Wait
        digitalWrite(XS, HIGH);       // Send STEP pulse HIGH to XS lead. Turn ON
        delay(OnDelay);               // Wait
        digitalWrite(XS, LOW);        // Send STEP pulse LOW to XS lead. Turn OFF
      case '2': //ALT-
        digitalWrite(XD,LOW);         // Make sure motor DIRECTION turned OFF
        delay(OnDelay);               // Wait 
        digitalWrite(XS,LOW);         // Make sure motor STEP turned OFF
        delay(OnDelay);               // Wait 
        digitalWrite(XD,HIGH);        // Make sure motor DIRECTION (backwards) Turn ON
        delay(OnDelay);               // Wait 
        digitalWrite(XS, HIGH);       // Send STEP pulse HIGH to XS lead. Turn ON
        delay(OnDelay);               // Wait
        digitalWrite(XS, LOW);        // Stop STEP pulse to XS. Turn OFF
        delay(OffDelay);              // Wait
        digitalWrite(XD,LOW);         // Stop pulses to XD. Turn OFF
      case '3': //AZM+
        digitalWrite(YD,LOW);         // Make sure motor DIRECTION turn OFF
        delay(OnDelay);               // Wait
        digitalWrite(YS,LOW);         // Make sure motor STEP turn OFF
        delay(OnDelay);               // Wait
        digitalWrite(YS, HIGH);       // Send STEP pulse HIGH to YS lead. Turn ON
        delay(OnDelay);               // Wait
        digitalWrite(YS, LOW);        // Send STEP pulse LOW to YS lead. Turn OFF
      case '4': //AZM-
        digitalWrite(YD,LOW);         // Make sure motor DIRECTION turn OFF
        delay(OnDelay);               // Wait
        digitalWrite(YS,LOW);         // Make sure motor STEP turn OFF
        delay(OnDelay);               // Wait
        digitalWrite(YD,HIGH);        // Make sure motor DIRECTION (backwards) turned ON
        delay(OnDelay);               // Wait 
        digitalWrite(YS, HIGH);       // Send STEP pulse HIGH to YS lead. Turn ON
        delay(OnDelay);               // Wait
        digitalWrite(YS, LOW);        // Send Stop pulse to YS. Turn OFF
        delay(OffDelay);              // Wait
        digitalWrite(YD,LOW);         // Send Stop pulse to YD





VB2010 source code

This is the souce code that calculates the position of a celestial object and provides stepping pulses to the Arduino.
No preview (download only).




1 project • 9 followers
