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Nick Koumaris
Published © GPL3+

Arduino Menu on a Nokia 5110 Lcd Using a Rotary Encoder

Dear friends welcome to another tutorial! In this video we are going learn how to build ourown menu for the popular Nokia 5110 LCD displa...

IntermediateFull instructions provided1 hour32,424
Arduino Menu on a Nokia 5110 Lcd Using a Rotary Encoder

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
Rotary Encoder
Nokia 5110 LCD

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


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Code snippet #2

Plain text
String menuItem1 = "Contrast";String menuItem2 = "Volume";
String menuItem3 = "Language";
String menuItem4 = "Difficulty";
String menuItem5 = "Light: ON";
String menuItem6 = "Reset";boolean backlight = true;
int contrast=60;
int volume = 50;String language[3] = { "EN", "ES", "EL" };
int selectedLanguage = 0;String difficulty[2] = { "EASY", "HARD" };
int selectedDifficulty = 0;




Nick Koumaris
15 projects • 314 followers
My name is Nick Koumaris and I am a software engineer from Sparta, Greece. I love building projects and share them with the world!


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