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Led Matrix Clock using Arduino And RTC Module

Today iam going to show you how to make led matrix clock With Arduino & Rtc. this is a simple project does not require high knowledge

IntermediateFull instructions provided15,476
Led Matrix Clock using Arduino And RTC Module

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Nano R3
Arduino Nano R3
MAX7219 Led Matrix
High Accuracy Pi RTC (DS3231)
Seeed Studio High Accuracy Pi RTC (DS3231)
Tactile Switch, Top Actuated
Tactile Switch, Top Actuated
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
Breadboard (generic)
Breadboard (generic)
Dot Pcb
Female Header 8 Position 1 Row (0.1")
Female Header 8 Position 1 Row (0.1")

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
Solder Wire, Lead Free
Solder Wire, Lead Free
Solder Flux, Soldering
Solder Flux, Soldering
PCB Holder, Soldering Iron
PCB Holder, Soldering Iron
Desoldering Pump, Deluxe SOLDAPULLT®
Desoldering Pump, Deluxe SOLDAPULLT®


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Solder The PCB According To The Schematics


Arduino Code

Upload The Code To Arduino Nano
/*feel free to contact
 * sreeramaj53@gmail.com
 * www.youtube.com/ZenoModiff
 * last updated - time 02:41 PM - date 06 july 2021
 * Github Link :-- https://github.com/Zenomodiff/Max7219-Led-Matrix-Clock-With-DS3231-RTC-Module

#include "DS3231.h"
#include "Adafruit_GFX.h"
#include "Max72xxPanel.h"

DS3231 rtc(SDA, SCL);

const byte LDR_PIN = A2;
const byte CS_PIN = A3; 
const byte H_DISPLAYS = 4; 
const byte V_DISPLAYS = 1; 

Max72xxPanel matrix = Max72xxPanel(CS_PIN, H_DISPLAYS, V_DISPLAYS);

const byte WAIT = 30;
const byte SPACER = 1;
const byte FONT_WIDTH = 5 + SPACER; 

void setup() {
  Serial.println(F(">> Arduino 32x8 LED Dot Matrix Clock!"));
  Serial.println(F(">> Use <dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss> format to set clock's date and hour!"));
  matrix.setPosition(0, 0, 0);
  matrix.setPosition(1, 1, 0);
  matrix.setPosition(2, 2, 0);
  matrix.setPosition(3, 3, 0);
  matrix.setRotation(0, 1);    
  matrix.setRotation(1, 1);
  matrix.setRotation(2, 1);
  matrix.setRotation(3, 1);

void loop() {
  byte ledIntensity = ledIntensitySelect(analogRead(LDR_PIN));
  String output = outputStrClock();
  for ( int i = 0 ; i < FONT_WIDTH * output.length() + matrix.width() - 1 - SPACER; i++ ) {
    output = outputStrClock();
    int letter = i / FONT_WIDTH;
    int x = (matrix.width() - 1) - i % FONT_WIDTH;
    int y = (matrix.height() - 8) / 2; 
    while ( x + FONT_WIDTH - SPACER >= 0 && letter >= 0 ) {
      if ( letter < output.length() ) {
        matrix.drawChar(x, y, output[letter], HIGH, LOW, 1);
      x -= FONT_WIDTH;

  if (Serial.available() > 0) {

void adjustClock(String data) {
  byte _day = data.substring(0,2).toInt();
  byte _month = data.substring(3,5).toInt();
  int _year = data.substring(6,10).toInt();
  byte _hour = data.substring(11,13).toInt();
  byte _min = data.substring(14,16).toInt();
  byte _sec = data.substring(17,19).toInt();
  rtc.setTime(_hour, _min, _sec);
  rtc.setDate(_day, _month, _year);
  Serial.println(F(">> Datetime successfully set!"));

String outputStrClock() {
  String _output;
  _output = rtc.getDateStr();
  _output.concat("  ");
  _output.concat("  ");
  return _output;

byte ledIntensitySelect(int light) {
  byte _value = 0;
  if (light >= 0 && light <= 127) {
    _value = 15;
  } else if (light >= 128 && light <= 319) {
    _value = 10; 
  } else if (light >= 320 && light <= 512) {
    _value = 5;
  return _value;


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