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Miguel Angel Castillo Martinez
Published © GPL3+

Arduino Water Tank Level Monitor with PLC Connection

Construct a water tank monitor with ethernet connection to interchange information between an Arduino and a LOGO PLC.

IntermediateWork in progress9,120
Arduino Water Tank Level Monitor with PLC Connection

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Mega 2560
Arduino Mega 2560
Itead ITDB02
Arduino Ethernet Shield 2
Arduino Ethernet Shield 2
Logo 8 PLC
TP Link Router
DIN clip mounting

Software apps and online services

Arduino Web Editor
Arduino Web Editor
Logo!Soft Confort


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In order to made this project simple, the first step is only assembly the shields.

Water tank level simulation

For test the application We can simulate the level with a potentiometer connected like this


Tank level monitor

The first step is test the graphical motor in order to create the tank data visualization. Using particular C topics, I hope the code will be understandable. Finally, in a particular zone, I added the communication code

Tank Ethernet Monitor


Miguel Angel Castillo Martinez
3 projects • 6 followers


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