Param Aggarwal
Published © MIT

Converting An STM32F103 Board To A Black Magic Probe

Using the $2 (Blue Pill) STM32 board we can have a debugger that supports breakpoints. No need of OpenOCD, as it runs GDB on-chip.

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Converting An STM32F103 Board To A Black Magic Probe

Things used in this project

Hardware components

STM32 Development Board (STM32F103C8T6 - Blue Pill)
CP2104 Serial Converter (USB to UART/TTL)

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
stm32loader (Python Script)
Black Magic Probe Firmware


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These are the connections between your UART converter and the STM32 board while you upload the DFU boot-loader.


Pin Connections on your new probe

Plain text
GND             GND
SWDIO           PB14
SWCLK           PA5
POWER           3.3V

stm32loader (Python Script)

A Python script to upload code to STM32 using default boot loader via UART.

Black Magic Probe Firmware


Param Aggarwal
2 projects • 9 followers
Living at the intersection of React & React Native based apps, along with Arduino and ESP8266 based hardware.
