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Paul Savluc
Created December 11, 2023

"SafeRoute AI" - Intelligent Pathfinding for Emergencies

"SafeRoute AI" enhances emergency response efforts with AI-powered pathfinding. In crisis situations like natural or urban disasters.

"SafeRoute AI" - Intelligent Pathfinding for Emergencies

Things used in this project


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Software Build Basic Schematics


visual representation of path creating

import networkx as nx

def create_graph():
    # Create a directed graph
    G = nx.DiGraph()

    # Add nodes and edges with weights (representing distances or time)
    # In a real application, this data would come from real-world sources
    G.add_edge('A', 'B', weight=1.5)
    G.add_edge('B', 'C', weight=2.0)
    G.add_edge('A', 'D', weight=1.0)
    G.add_edge('D', 'E', weight=3.0)
    G.add_edge('E', 'C', weight=1.0)
    G.add_edge('B', 'E', weight=2.5)

    return G

def find_optimal_route(G, start, end):
    # Find the shortest path using Dijkstra's Algorithm
    path = nx.dijkstra_path(G, start, end, weight='weight')
    return path

# Create the graph
G = create_graph()

# Define start and end points
start_point = 'A'
end_point = 'C'

# Find the optimal route
optimal_route = find_optimal_route(G, start_point, end_point)

print("Optimal route from {} to {}:".format(start_point, end_point), optimal_route)

pseudo code

some pseudo code for generating and optimizing routs
# Function to collect data from various sources
def collect_data():
    # Collect real-time data from traffic, weather, emergency services, etc.
    # Also collect historical data for training the model

# Function to preprocess and format the data for the model
def preprocess_data(raw_data):
    # Clean, normalize, and transform data into a suitable format
# Define a machine learning model
class RouteOptimizationModel:
    def __init__(self):
        # Initialize the model parameters

    def train(self, training_data):
        # Train the model using historical data

    def predict(self, current_conditions):
        # Predict the best route based on current conditions

    def update_model(self, new_data):
        # Update the model with new data for continuous learning
# Function to generate the route using the model
def generate_route(model, current_conditions):
    optimal_route = model.predict(current_conditions)
    return optimal_route

# Function to collect feedback and update the model
def update_model_with_feedback(model, feedback_data):
def main():
    # Collect and preprocess historical data
    historical_data = collect_data()
    training_data = preprocess_data(historical_data)

    # Initialize and train the model
    model = RouteOptimizationModel()

    while True:
        # In a real-world application, this would be a continuous process

        # Collect and preprocess current data
        current_data = collect_data()
        current_conditions = preprocess_data(current_data)

        # Generate and provide the route
        route = generate_route(model, current_conditions)

        # Collect feedback after route completion
        feedback_data = collect_feedback(route)

        # Update the model with new data
        update_model_with_feedback(model, feedback_data)


Paul Savluc

Paul Savluc

1 project • 0 followers
