Pedro Martin
Published © LGPL

Bluetooth RPM Letterboard v2.0

Second iteration of a Rapid Prompting Method (RPM) letterboard with capacitive touch sensors & Bluetooth connectivity

AdvancedFull instructions provided24 hours1,120
Bluetooth RPM Letterboard v2.0

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Adafruit HUZZAH32 – ESP32 Feather Board
Adafruit HUZZAH32 – ESP32 Feather Board
Capacitive Touch Sensor Breakout - MPR121
Adafruit Capacitive Touch Sensor Breakout - MPR121
Adafruit Small Enclosed Piezo w/Wires
Adafruit Lithium Ion Polymer Battery - 3.7v 350mAh
Adafruit On-Off Power Button / Pushbutton Toggle Switch
Adafruit STEMMA QT / Qwiic JST SH 4-pin Cable - 100mm Long
Flexible 28AWG Tinned Copper Silicone Stranded Wire
Copper Foil Tape with Conductive Acrylic Adhesive
M2.5 Nylon Hex Spacer Standoffs Screws Nuts Assortment Kit

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
Espressif Arduino ESP32
T-vK's ESP32 BLE Keyboard

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
Dupont Crimping Tool Kit
Precision Wire Stripper, 30-20 AWG
Hot Glue Gorilla Dual Temp
LED Lighted Magnifying Third Hand - Five Arms
Digital Multimeter


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Circuit Diagram


RPM Letterboard Code

//---Definitions for Capacitive Touch Sensors
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_MPR121.h>
#ifndef _BV
#define _BV(bit) (1 << (bit))
Adafruit_MPR121 TS1 = Adafruit_MPR121();
Adafruit_MPR121 TS2 = Adafruit_MPR121();
Adafruit_MPR121 TS3 = Adafruit_MPR121();
uint16_t lastT1, currT1 = 0;
uint16_t lastT2, currT2 = 0;
uint16_t lastT3, currT3 = 0;
int capT, senT = 0;  //--capT=> Touch Sensor Modules (0,1,2), senT=> Individual sensors(0 to 11)
bool CapsResetFlag = false;

//---Definitions for BLE Keyboard
#define USE_NIMBLE
#include <BleKeyboard.h>
BleKeyboard bleKeyboard("RPM Letterboard V2.0");
bool keybON, action = false;
char L[12][3];       //--adding one for null char in char array

//---Other Definitions
int counter = 0;

void loadKeyboardMap() {
   L[2][0] = 'a'; L[3][0] = 'b';  L[2][2] = 'c'; L[3][2] = 'd';  L[2][1] = 'e'; L[3][1] = '1';
   L[1][0] = 'f'; L[4][0] = 'g';  L[1][2] = 'h'; L[4][2] = 'i';  L[1][1] = 'j'; L[4][1] = '2';
   L[0][0] = 'k'; L[5][0] = 'l';  L[0][2] = 'm'; L[5][2] = 'n';  L[0][1] = ';'; L[5][1] = '3';
  L[11][0] = 'o'; L[6][0] = 'p'; L[11][2] = 'q'; L[6][2] = 'r'; L[11][1] = 's'; L[6][1] = '4';
  L[10][0] = 't'; L[7][0] = 'u'; L[10][2] = 'v'; L[7][2] = 'w'; L[10][1] = 'x'; L[7][1] = '5';
   L[9][0] = 'y'; L[8][0] = 'z';         L[8][2] = 32;           L[9][1] = 8;   L[8][1] = 10;

void Buzz(int BuzzType) {
  switch (BuzzType) {
    case 1: ledcWriteTone(0,1000); delay(100); ledcWrite(0,0);
            break; //--TS1 is up or scheduled TS reset run
    case 2: ledcWriteTone(0,1500); delay(100); ledcWrite(0,0); 
            break; //--TS2 is up
    case 3: ledcWriteTone(0,2000); delay(100); ledcWrite(0,0); 
            break; //--TS3 is up 
    case 4: ledcWriteTone(0,1100); delay(10); ledcWrite(0,0); delay(1000); digitalWrite(A12, HIGH);
            ledcWriteTone(0,400); delay(10); ledcWrite(0,0); delay(1000); break; //--waiting on BLE pair
    case 5: ledcWriteTone(0,900); delay(300); ledcWriteTone(0,400);
            delay(700); ledcWrite(0,0); break; //--BLE pairing achieved
    case 6: digitalWrite(A12,HIGH); ledcWriteTone(0,100); delay(2000);
            ledcWrite(0,0); break; //--fatal error, must reboot manually
    case 7: ledcWriteTone(0,100); delay(300); ledcWriteTone(0,50);
            delay(700); ledcWrite(0,0); break; //--error, autorestarting TSs
    case 8: digitalWrite(A12,HIGH); ledcWriteTone(0,1500); delay(40);
            ledcWrite(0,0); digitalWrite(A12,LOW); break; //--low battery    

void ResetSensors()  {
  TS1.begin(0x5A); TS2.begin(0x5B); TS3.begin(0x5C);
  TS1.setThresholds(0x19,0x05); TS2.setThresholds(0x19,0x05); TS3.setThresholds(0x19,0x05);

void ChkResetCapSensors() {
  int UpTime = int(millis()/1000/60); //--uptime in minutes
  int MinFactor = UpTime % 7;         //--divisor is number of minutes between TSs resets
  if (MinFactor != 3) {CapsResetFlag = false;}   //--first reset at compared minute
    if (!CapsResetFlag) {
      // Buzz(1);
      CapsResetFlag = true;}

void ChkBattery() {
  float battRead = analogRead(A13); //--or analogRead(35)
  battRead = ((battRead*2) / 4095 * 3.3 * 1.096);
  if (battRead < 3.3) {  //3.3v as base for beep
    if (counter > 80) {
      counter = 0;    }}

void setup() {
  pinMode(4, OUTPUT);       //--ledc for Buzzer : Arduino TONE not implemented for ESP32
  ledcSetup(0, 100000, 12); //--Parms=(channel, freq, resolution)
  ledcAttachPin(4, 0);
  pinMode(A12, OUTPUT);     //--Built in RED LED
  Wire.begin (23, 22);     
  if (!TS1.begin(0x5A)) {Buzz(6); while (1);} else {Buzz(1);}
  if (!TS2.begin(0x5B)) {Buzz(6); while (1);} else {Buzz(2);}
  if (!TS3.begin(0x5C)) {Buzz(6); while (1);} else {Buzz(3);}

void loop() {
  while (!bleKeyboard.isConnected()) {
    keybON = false;
    digitalWrite(A12, LOW);
    Buzz(4); }
  if (bleKeyboard.isConnected() && !keybON) {
    keybON = true;
    digitalWrite(A12, LOW); }
  currT1 = TS1.touched(); currT2 = TS2.touched(); currT3 = TS3.touched();   //--Get the currently touched sensor pads
  for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
    if ((TS1.filteredData(i)>10000) or (TS2.filteredData(i)>10000) or (TS3.filteredData(i)>10000)) {
      ResetSensors(); } //--noise on I2C channel: must reset TSs
    if ((currT1 & _BV(i)) && !(lastT1 & _BV(i))) {capT = 0; senT = i; action = true; }
    if ((currT2 & _BV(i)) && !(lastT2 & _BV(i))) {capT = 1; senT = i; action = true; }
    if ((currT3 & _BV(i)) && !(lastT3 & _BV(i))) {capT = 2; senT = i; action = true; }}
  lastT1 = currT1; lastT2 = currT2; lastT3 = currT3;    //--reset TSs states     
  if (action) {
    action = false; 
    switch (L[senT][capT]) {
      case '1':bleKeyboard.print("si "); break;
      case '2':bleKeyboard.print("no "); break;
      case '3':bleKeyboard.print("verdad "); break;
      case '4':bleKeyboard.print("falso "); break;
      case '5':bleKeyboard.print("."); break;
      default :bleKeyboard.print(L[senT][capT]); break; }}


Pedro Martin
8 projects • 16 followers


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